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CultureScope by iPsychTec

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It is universally recognised that corporate culture is one of the most critical levers for the long-term sustainability of any organisation. Yet, culture is the one element that most organisations fail to empirically measure and track and therefore they underutilise this important lever.

Organisations have been reliant on lagging qualitative measures (engagement surveys, sentiment surveys, individual interviews) assessing current sentiments or opinions, which tend to rise and fall quickly in response to transient business choices. The resulting information only gives a partial view on what is really happening in the establishment.

In a world with ever growing scrutiny of corporate culture from all stakeholders, CultureScope is a ground-breaking and scientifically validated approach to behavioural and cultural measurement. It is based on the largest ever behavioural research study over a 7-year period, with over 51,000 participants in 61 countries across 60 organisations and supported by 3 leading business schools. It quantifies the culture of an organisation using advanced diagnostics, by assessing individual and organisational behaviours (how do I behave and what do I observe around me) and linking these with organisations’ outcomes to provide predictive analytics and actionable insights to drive the organisation forward, reduce risk and generate sustainable value. The predictive analytics work in both directions; behaviours to outcomes and outcomes to behaviours.

Organisational Culture Assessment Questions

CultureScope’s innovative culture assessment method addresses the following questions to create a holistic view of your organisation’s company culture:

What is the current culture of the organisation and how aligned is it with our strategy?

What are the behavioural changes required to drive culture change to achieve our strategy?

How do we consider culture in our talent management strategy in order to attract, develop and retain talent?

What is the gap between our current and desired culture?

How well do our organisational structure and practices support our ideal culture and minimise risk?

How can Boards and CEOs enhance performance by placing culture on the Board and top management agenda?

Our organisational culture survey is agile and easy to deploy, and unique in that it is steeped in behavioural science. For the first time, CEOs and leadership teams have the ability to unlock the full potential of their organisation by measuring and understanding the hidden drivers underpinning their culture, ensuring true alignment with the business outcomes.

Measure Organisational Culture

CultureScope measures organisational culture by analysing how both the individual and organisation behave across 15 critical behavioural dimensions using a cloud-based platform.

By measuring these two aspects: firstly, how I behave in a corporate environment and secondly, how I see the organisation behaving and, linking these to business outcomes, core actionable insights can be drawn and key focus areas for improvement can be identified.

CultureScope Benefits for Your Organisation

CultureScope by iPsychTec’s change management process combines the best elements of scientific and applied research with the most advanced technology to develop and deploy revolutionary behaviour diagnostics and advanced predictive analytics.

It provides your organisation with actionable business insights and path analysis which forms the basis of organisational change management which helps you drive and embed your desired organisational culture and achieve sustainable competitive advantage and minimise risks.

CultureScope by iPsychTec is an organisational culture assessment that enables your organisation to conduct a ‘gap analysis’ between desired and actual culture. Measuring and understanding the drivers that underpin organisational culture and identifying the behaviours that do or do not support your business strategy can unlock the full potential of your organisation and its impact on the wider community.

Speak to one of our experts now and discover how we can help transform your organisational culture.

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